Monday, March 31, 2014

O V E R A L L S and D O C S

Sooo when I first saw that overalls were coming back, I was a little hesitant. I mean I wore them every day of my 12-year-old life. But seriously, I love it. I've learned that the repeats are gonna come so I should just embrace them. I'm also learning I probably should have saved A LOT of my clothes. Maybe I'll learn this time around. (Although, seeing as it took 15 years for overalls to come back, I can hardly picture my 42-year-old self wearing them. :P) Also, these docs: eeeek! I love. They're not real Docs but I'm ok with that because I snagged them for $12! You shall be seeing these overalls and shoes most definitely in the future. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I spent mine at my old roomie's bachelorette party! We hiked and laughed and ate and danced and talked about girlie things. It was the perfect weekend, and I'm so excited for the wedding this weekend!

Overalls: Target here
Top: American Eagle; similar here
Shoes: Kohl's; similar here
Necklace: Bloomingdales; similar here and here
Lipstick: Wet N Wild Megalast in Think Pink