So for a long long long time, I dreamed of going to a military ball. My brother attended the Air Force Academy, and I tried to get him to get me a date. I even suggested he just take ME as his date because um hello I'm tons of fun, especially if there is dancing involved. But let's be real. All I really wanted to do was dress up in a fancy dress because we all know that, for most of us, post-highschool, the only time you really wear a super fancy dress is at your wedding. Well that's no fun. I wanted a reason to get all dolled up and really just thought a military ball would be perfect. Wellllll, fast forward a few years, and my then boyfriend joined the Marine Reserves. And then it clicked. I would finally get to go to a military ball, the Marine Corps Ball no less! Yipee! We went last year, not even a month after we became husband and wife! It was a dream! My man all dapper in his uniform and me in a red dress. Just something about a man in uniform. Ain't complaining that it's my hubby.
A few iPhone snaps from last year
^^^the dreamiest hubby with those blue eyes
And now we get to go AGAIN this fall! And I'm of course already on the hunt for a dress. So what should you look for?! When I was researching what I should wear last year, I found not nearly enough information! So I'm here to offer a little advice if you are going this year as well as bring you along on my journey of finding a dress! I think it's important to make a statement but still be understated as well if that makes sense. You do not want to detract from your date! This night is about him! So look for something that will compliment his uniform but still make you stand out and feel beautiful. Avoid printed dresses and busy designs. The Marine dress blues are classy and only worn for very special occasions. Do your best to wear something classy and timeless as well. Some things I read had varying information as well about WHAT to wear (skirt and top, knee length, floor length). I would highly recommend a floor length formal dress. Also don't wear anything that detracts from YOU! You want people to notice YOU in your dress, not notice you BECAUSE of your dress. Last year I wore a simple strapless red gown that had a low back and tied across the back like a bandeau into a pretty bow. I am leaning towards another red dress (not the same one #obvi) or some shade therein (burgundy, wine, etc). I feel like red is a color that you can't always wear, but since it so perfectly compliments the Marine uniform and basically stands alone you don't need much else. If you did decide to do a red dress, you can keep all accessories simple and to a minimum. A black clutch and some bangles or a cuff will do the trick! Other colors I might consider would be navy blue, black, or some other shade of blue that would compliment his uniform. So wanna see what I'm thinking of so far?! If you have any questions or would just simply like to share your opinion about what dress you like for me, I would love to hear!
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